Easy One Unit Classes at Chico State

Oftentimes, college courses are some of the most difficult that you will ever encounter - and the further you get into your college career, the more intense and time-consuming your classes can become. If you have been wanting to take an easier course just for a breather or for a little extra help in boosting or maintaining your GPA, look no further! Here is a list of 10 of the easiest classes at Chico State University:

1. ANTH 113 - Human Cultural Diversity

This intro-level anthropology class is a lot like an evolution course, with a bit of cultural information mixed in. You will learn about the study of human societies and the similarities and differences between various cultural and their development.Picture of the word "anthropology" in a dictionary

2. ARTS 125 - Basic Drawing

This class is exactly what it sounds like: you will learn about the foundational aspects of drawing, and this course is introductory, therefore designed for students who have little to no previous experience with drawing or even art in general.Picture of a student drawing a portrait

3. ARTS 240 - Intro to Fine Art Photography

Like the drawing class, this one requires little to no previous experience with photography. All you need is access to a functional camera, and you'll be learning about basic photo techniques, such as framing, lighting, and editing. Art courses can be a lot of fun and an easy-A, being a welcome departure from the typical humdrum of intense academia.Picture of a camera

4. PSYC 101 - Principles of Psych

Intro-level psychology classes are usually universally easy, and not much different from a high-school level psych course; and whether or not you've taken psychology before, this class will be a breeze. You'll study the basics of psych, like disorders, brain development, personality types, and behaviors.Image of a watercolor brain

5. PHIL 101 - Introduction to Philosophy

If you're alright with a little reading, then this class will prove to be very simple. You will study philosophy fundamentals, such as questions of knowledge, reality, and existence. Philosophy courses also often result in interesting class discussions.Picture of the word "Philosophy" on the spine of a book

6. SOCI 100 - Introduction to Sociology

In this class, you will study the basics of sociology: the development of human society, the structure and functioning of human groups, and how we influence one another's behaviors. Like Psych, this course is a total breeze.Image of colorful human figures surrounding a globe

7. GEOG 101 - Physical Geography

Even if you have no interest in geography, this class will be a definite grade-booster. It covers material similar to that of basic earth science courses, such as physical structures of the Earth, climate, weather, and natural processes.Image of a colorful world map

8. HIST 130 - United States History

If you have ever taken a U.S. History class before, this course will be one of the easiest you ever take while at Chico. It covers all of the same material, albeit perhaps in a bit more detail, but taking this class will definitely lift some of that stress from your shoulders.Picture of a gavel atop the Constitution's preamble

9. MUSC 101 - Theory I

If you have any general interest in music, this easy-A class is for you, and it's designed for those with little to no previous experience with music. In this course, you'll learn about the basic aspects of music theory, such as notations, pitch, harmony, rhythm, and melody.Image of a head silhouette with music notes coming off of it

10. POLS 101 - Vital Political Problems

Even if you've never taken a Poli Sci class before, this one will prove to be very simple. It covers major political issues, such as political parties, elections, government function, and basic international relations. With politics being so significant lately, it may even be interesting to learn more about this topic!Picture of the U.S. Capitol BuildingHopefully, this list has been of some help to you as you peruse the Schedule of Classes at Chico for the upcoming semester! Remember, there's nothing wrong with looking to take an easier class - we all need that extra grade boost sometimes. Unburden yourself just a little, give yourself a little less to stress out about, and give yourself a little more free, relaxation time by adding an easy class to your schedule.


Source: https://oneclass.com/blog/chico-state-university/76560-10-of-the-easiest-classes-at-chico-state-university.en.html

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